The Hardcore Mind

Where you can read the relatively rational ramblings of a silly half-monkey, half-boy. This freak of nature is named Joel. He also responds to the name 'Bart Wang'.

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Friday, August 27, 2004
Woo hoo! It's vacation time, kids! Today is the first day of two weeks I have off work. Didn't do anything today except download a pile of music. I have to re-purchase 'Disintegration' by The Cure. It's such a great record. I bought it on tape back in the early 90s but in the early years of my religious zeal, I threw it out. I did that with a lot of music I wish I still had. A pile of old Rolling Stones, Beatles, Michael Jackson, lots of pop classics. It's all a part of growing spiritually, I suppose. I know now that that there wasn't anything wrong with all that music but at that time I thought that getting rid of it would contribute to the purification of my soul. It was immature but necessary. I don't regret it. Though my bank account will. Hahahaha.
Tomorrow, Melanie and I are driving up to Barry's Bay. Can't wait. It's going to be a fabulous week. Brad & Melissa are hopefully coming up for a couple days, as is Jenn Moreton (and maybe even the world renown DJ Perrin). We may even encounter Taxman and Beth. We will be visiting Mylana Spoelstra tomorrow evening as her family has a cottage there too. I have looked forward to this time since we left the cottage last year.
I have still not moved. Egads, talk about lack of consideration! I invented a new word to describe such people when I was talking to my supervisor, Kevin - 'inconsidiots'. A combination of 'inconsiderate' and 'idiots'. Don't be one.
You can now call our phone number at (905)664-2094. Leave me a message. I'll be moving all my stuff in on the Sunday and Monday and intend to be in there full-time as of Tuesday. It's going to be weird. I'm glad Summer and Mark are still around the corner. I can sit in the basement when I'm sad. Well, I should shower (yes, it is 4PM) because I'm going to go to the gym tonight with Melanie (and maybe Belly will be there too). I hope you have a good week. I'll let you know how the trip was when I get back. I'll tell you now it will be kick-asser. Peace!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Did I mention that moving sucks? I hope so. It sucks. We were told we might get our new house on Saturday. Nothing doing. That's fine. We had originally been told that the current tenants would be gone by the following Tuesday, which would be today. Still no word. Oh, they're not living there anymore. And we're paying for the phone, heat and hydro. But they still have the keys and we do not. That's inconsiderate and frustrating. Particularly with us paying the bills and having to cancel a furniture delivery as a result.
I got to spend the day with Melanie, which was great. We had hoped to be able to move some boxes and at least see our future digs but it was a let down. Instead, we bought some stuff to bring up to the cottage this weekend and finally got car mats for Melanie's Civic.
I'm reading a great book (aside from the marriage book, Sheet Music) called Understanding The Trinity by Alister McGrath. McGrath is, as my friend Cal refers to him, 'one of those big brains'. He's truly brilliant by any academic standard. He obtained his Ph.D. in molecular biology (clearly not an impressive feat in and of itself) and then went on to achieve his Ph.D. in theology. Holy crap! I read another of his books called The Re-enchantment Of Nature and much of it was way over my head, though I tried my best. Definitely worth looking into his stuff if you can.
Two more days of work and I'm off for over two weeks. Should be a blast. I'm sure I'll want to quit when I have to go back. Hahahaha. Have yourself a good evening.